The Perfect combination to crack the LinkedIn code
Videos and templates to equip you with the knowledge, and tools to change your use of LinkedIn forever - that's Mastery.
Clinics, onboarding workshops. focus sessions, 1:2:1 days, and more. All the support you need to implement Mastery - That's Mastermind. Together they crack the LinkedIn code. Book a discovery call or join the waiting list
How do I get leads from LinkedIn?
It's a question I often get asked by connections and contacts.
Some businesses really have it cracked. They have a rhythmic flow of new leads coming from LinkedIn every week. But they are in the minority.
Every other business fits into one of three broad categories.
The CBA's
These are the ones that just can't be bothered.
- Profiles that look like corporate cv's.
- An old photo, or no photo at all.
- No banner image
- No business page
- No tailored headline.
- Little or no worthwhile posting or engagement
They really Can't Be Ar*ed
The hyper-connector-messenger
You know the type.
Let's connect. Then as soon as you do- bang - the sales pitch
Arrrgggghhh! What about building relationships?
Then there's you.
- You're on the platform but with little or no activity to show for it
- You've made some efforts to improve your profile but no consistent efforts to post and engage.
- It doesn't generate leads for you. You don't know what to do and feel overwhelmed.
This solution is for YOU.

Mastery + Mastermind
The most effectibe way to change how you use LinkedIn, forever
Launch price £39/month - offer ends 2nd September
The Linked Business Mastery programme provides a structured approach to using LinkedIn for your business. It is based on three core elements:
Clarity on your target market, your objectives and strategy, and that all-important first impression. That's your LinkedIn baseline
Growth through increasing follower and connection numbers supported by useful, interesting, and relevant content. Without growth, your profile, and your business, will wither and die.
Consistency of activity is critical. If you don't show up regularly, why should potential customers? It's about developing a LinkedIn habit. 10-15 minutes twice a day and at least one post a week is all it takes to make a real difference.
Growth and consistency, built on clarity, lead to the acceleration of your success on LinkedIn. Now that's Mastery.
But implementing online programmes can be really hard. That's where Mastermind comes in. Led by Allen Ruddock who has used LinkedIn to grow several successful businesses you get all the support you need to use LinkedIn effectively. In addition to full access to the Mastery programme, Mastermind gives you:
Weekly mastermind clinics:
- Programme implementation support,
- Profile element and content critiques,
- Your questions answered,
- Feature updates etc.
- Member 1:2:1 days - 20-minute bookable slots with Allen
- Onboarding sessions - how to get the most from membership
- Immediate solutions to your questions and problems
- Additional 'special focus' sessions on specific topics like:
- ☀ How to use free search properly
- ☀ Company Pages
- ☀ What does Sales Navigator really offer
- ☀ The building blocks you need to make LinkedIn work for you
- Friday "member of the week" shoutouts & Live interviews
- A private LinkedIn Group – resources, discussions, information and collaboration
- No quibble 14-day money-back guarantee.
The Linked Business Mastery online programme

Getting clarity on who your target market is on LinkedIn is the frist step. It helps you find your target audience and create content and engagement that is useful, interesting, and relevant.
Understanding why and how you are going to use LinkedIn is also critical.
It’s an engagement tool, not a place for a quick sales pitch.
People will find you on LinkedIn. So it is critical you create a
great 1st impression with your profile and with your business page.

If you don’t nurture and grow your network, it’s value will wither and die.
We will look at how to grow followers, connections and use other platforms to grow your audience.
Creating and posting useful, interesting and relevant content is an important part of demonstrating your expertise and building credibility. When prospects view your profile or business page recent relevant content builds the trust that underpins conversion.

People buy from people. People they know, like and trust. So showing up regularly and consistently is absolutely vital. Post on the same day(s) at the same time. Comment on their content. Respond to their comments on your content.
Make using LinkedIn a habit. Set a pattern of working that leads to consistent posting.
Set aside a couple of small time blocks – say 15 minutes each – to grow your network through positive engagement, following and connecting